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A moving visit by the Minister of Labor  Rabbi Yakov Margi

A very special guest came to visit Shmaya’s rehab nursery in Beerseheva.   He was accompanied by the Mayor, the Supervisor of the Ministry of Welfare, and the Regional Supervisor, Southern Israel.

The Minister was visibly moved as he visited the classrooms and observed the children, some at therapy sessions, some at play, and all receiving the best care and treatment possible.

Shmaya is in the construction phase of a Children and Parents Center in Beersheva, which will serve the entire southern region.  The building will house rehab nurseries, therapy rooms, and provide the full array of rehab services needed.

Shimon Levi, Diretor of Shmaya, held a long  and productive meeting with  the officials, during which he described the scope of Shmaya’s work, and the need for more and better services for all children regardless of religion, lifestyle and  financial status.

The Ministry of Welfare is a staunch supporter of Shmaya, and the representatives promised their all in assistance and aid.

ליצירת קשר ורישום למעון

לקביעת תור למכון שמיעה
מלאו פרטים ונחזור אליכם

ליצירת קשר עם המכון שמיעה
ולא לקביעת תורים

לקביעת פגישת הכרות עם רכז המועדון

לקביעת פגישת הכרות

לקביעת פגישת הכרות

קו יעוץ למלחמה - שמעיה

לקביעת פגישת הכרות

לקביעת פגישת הכרות

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